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Grafik Energiegemeinschaft, Netzwerk aus Haushalten, Gemeinden, Unternehmen zum Teilen von nachhaltigem Strom

Share electricity!

Get involved and benefit—whether you have your own PV system or not: 

  • Enjoy fair, affordable, and reliable electricity prices.

  • Achieve independence from the global energy market.

  • Utilize clean, renewable energy.

  • Keep the economic benefits within your community.

Einfach loslegen! 

 Du möchtest einer EG beitreten oder selber eine gründen? Bei uns bist du richtig!

EG gründen

Du möchtest:

  • aktiv werden?

  • die Energiewende mit gestalten?

  • die Dezentralisierung der Stromversorgung vorantreiben?

  • von fairen Strompreisen profitieren? 


Dann gründe deine eigene Energiegemeinschaft!

An EG teilnehmen

Du möchtest

  • wissen, wo dein Strom herkommt ?

  • von fairen Strompreisen profitieren ?

  • einen Beitrag zur Energiewende leisten?

  • selbst produzierten Strom zu fairen Preisen verkaufen und teilen?


Dann ist die Teilnahme an einer EG das richtig für dich!

What we offer!

energyfamily provides personalized support and an intuitive platform for energy communities—whether it’s collective generation (GEA), renewable energy groups (EEG), or citizen energy cooperatives (BEG):

gelber Pinselstrich
Setting up made easy

Overcome bureaucratic hurdles - our advice and the clear checklist in the platform make it possible!

gelber Pinselstrich
Managing made easy

Keep track of clearly arranged energy data and create new members with just a few clicks!

gelber Pinselstrich
Billing made easy

Automated accounting makes your life easier!

Solarmodule auf dem Dach

What are energy communities? 

In energy communities, energy can be produced, stored, sold and consumed across property boundaries. 


Your advantages: 


gelber Pinselstrich
Saving money made easy

Save network fees & determine a fair, stable electricity price yourself!

gelber Pinselstrich
Sustainability made easy

Make a valuable contribution to climate and environmental protection!

gelber Pinselstrich
Regionality made easy

Know where it comes from - strengthen regional value creation with locally generated electricity!

Energy communities simply explained?

No worries, if your energy community is not producing enough energy, lights won't go down: You can keep getting power from your energy provider. 

Renewable energy producers often produce excess electricity. This surplus can be shared within the energy community.

Thanks to energy communities, members without their own power generation facilities can also use green electricity from the region.

PV system
City hall
PV system

Are you interested or do you have questions?
Contact us!

energyfamily GmbH

Eggersdorfer Straße 10, 3300 Amstetten


+‭43 681 84136920‬

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